About the Memoir:
It Will All Make Sense Someday

This memoir is about how things may not make sense in the moment but they eventually might in the future. However, it also is about the confusion we experience throughout life wondering why things happen the way they do. There may be a reason for everything happening and there may not. It is about our desire to grasp reality and make sense of things. The more we try to make sense of things the less they truly make sense. In reality, sense is a blurry line that is hard to cross in the midst of chaos. Sometimes it is better not to try and make sense of things. Things make sense later down the line once we have more information and can see the bigger picture and sometimes the bigger picture is not meant to be seen. There has only ever been one thing in my life that made sense to me, the still image in the middle of the chaos we call life.

image of the sky reflected in a puddle within a pot hole

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